Building Online – The Benefits Of Having An Online Presence

Building Online – The Benefits Of Having An Online Presence

Because so many of us around the world use the internet every day it can at times be difficult to escape from the giant that it is overall. There are many different things you can do on the internet from having your own social media profile to setting up your own business and much more.

Starting A Blog

One of the easiest things that you can do on the internet is start a blog. Starting a blog is easy and requires little to no technical know-how overall. Starting a blog means that you have somewhere where you can share information about a specific topic or your life in general.

If your blog becomes popular you can monetise ads and start to develop a small income overall from your blog depending on its overall size and the number of visitors that you typically receive. Blogs are a great way to share information and there are a large number of websites that hosts blogs for free. Although if your blog increases greatly in size it may be worth considering your own website or a paid plan for additional features and storage overall.

Blogs are in essence a new form of diary and serve as an excellent way to note down your thoughts or feelings about different issues. Furthermore some sites offer the ability to change privacy settings on your blog so only certain people can access it.

Starting An Online Business

Another step that you can take if you are looking to make a name for yourself online is setup your own online business. Buying and selling items online can be done easily through ecommerce websites such as Ebay and Amazon. Here hundreds of thousands of goods are bought and sold around the world.

One of the advantages to starting your online business journey on Ebay or Amazon is that there is fairly low costs to sell items and that you can quickly gain experience of what buying and selling items online is really like overall. Furthermore items can be sourced easily to buy and sell online as almost anything can be bought or sold online.

Becoming An Established Seller

The next step in buying and selling online is becoming an established seller. Established sellers typically pay a monthly fee or pay commission to the site that is hosting them for each sale or purchase they receive. There are a range of different benefits that can be enjoyed due to becoming an established seller.

  • Considerably higher range of items that can be listed for sale at once
  • Support from the company e.g Amazon or Ebay
  • Fulfilment which can allow for your ads to appear nearer the top of search results overall
  • Better designed online stores with exclusive themes
  • More business protection

Should You Consider Building A Presence Online?

Overall when looking at the benefits of having a presence online it would appear that there are plenty of opportunities to make money online as well as interact and speak with other people. However going online comes with risks such as cyber attacks and trolls and these should be considered before choosing to build a presence online.

Web Design Glasgow Tips Businesses Need To Know

web design glasgow

Your companies website is literally the face of your business in the online world.  It is the main source of information and identity for customers to relate with and it is an important element of your marketing mix.  Whether you are a new company just starting out, or you are an established veteran organisation, these tips will help you build a great website and hopefully steer you away from making mistakes that could end up being costly to your business.  Web design Glasgow experts will guide you through the process and help you on your journey.

web design glasgow

Web Design Glasgow Business Sectors

When considering a web design it is important to that about the sector you are placed in and the current state of the market.  If there is potential to take a large market share with your business, then the website should be relatively simple in order to transmit transparency and clarity over what you do as a business.  If you are operating in a crowded market place and realistically only have control over a small slice of the market, then it is important to showcase what makes you different from everyone else.  Find a web design Glasgow based agency that understands the ins and outs of your company within the marketplace.

web design glasgow

Web Design Responsiveness

Hopefully as a business operator in 2019, you understand the power that lies within reaching customers on mobile platforms.  Over half of all product searches are now performed on a mobile device, and if you are not actively trying to reach customers in this area then you are essentially halving your inbound leads and enquiries.   One thing to consider is whether or not your current or future website is mobile responsive.  This simply means does it look as good on a mobile as it does on a desktop.  Often website that have been poorly optimised for mobile browsing will appear clunky and will not perform as well as it should.  Sometime pages will not show at all, and sometimes content and buttons will be missing.  Studies have shown that if a user cannot find what they are looking for quickly and easily then they will leave and navigate to another site. 


Future-proof With Web Design Glasgow

One of the most important things when choosing a partner to work with as your web designer is building and keeping your site future-proof.  This simply means that in a few years time when technology and online platforms had taken a few leaps forward, your site is still current and relevant.  The internet is a fast-changing dynamic environment and you want to make sure you stay on top of updates, changes and trends that are constantly happening.  A web design Glasgow agency should be able to keep you informed of any major changes that could happen and they should support you through your journey. 

web design glasgow


A lot of large enterprises are recognising the shift towards complete transparency in their products and services.  Consumers today are more informed than ever and they hold so much information when it comes to making buying decisions.  A web designer should be able to translate your mission and objective to your customers through every aspect of your website, from the home page to the checkout.  This is what keeps customers trust and respect in what you do as a business.